Thursday, July 28, 2016

Stave 1 : Scrooge gets Steampunked

"You may talk vaguely about driving a coach-and-six up a good old flight of stairs, or through a bad young Act of Parliament; but I mean to say you might have got a hearse up that staircase, and taken it broadwise, with the splinter-bar towards the wall and the door towards the balustrades: and done it easy. There was plenty of width for that, and room to spare; which is perhaps the reason why Scrooge thought he saw a locomotive hearse going on before him in the gloom. Half-a-dozen gas-lamps out of the street wouldn’t have lighted the entry too well, so you may suppose that it was pretty dark with Scrooge’s dip."

My image of the locomotive hearse is a composite image, the hearse drawn on tracing paper, which I then set over my drawing of the stairs :

Long before the internal combustion engine, there was steam.  Part of my interest in A Christmas Carol is Dickens's descriptions of the material culture around him.  I've already talked about the gas lines in London, and steam had been in use since about a century before the introduction of coal gas.  The nineteenth century, especially in Britain, was an era of new technology and people were undoubtedly fascinated by it, just as our society is fascinated by digital technology.  Dickens doesn't ignore the environmental impacts - note his description of the London winter fog as "palpable brown air."

This "locomotive hearse" engaged my curiosity.  When I was a little kid, three or four years old, I loved trains.  Anything to do with trains.  So I was struck by that adjective "locomotive."  Why that word?  Because there were such things.  Once again, I am indebted to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.  Following are the links to the research I found, including specific pages for the images.


On Richard Trevithick, creator of the London Steam Carriage :

On John Scott Russell, another steam carriage builder :

On Walter Hancock, yet another steam carriage builder :

Sir Goldsworthy Gurney, and his steam carriages :

Another application of steam power, the traction engine :

Article on balusters, which I looked at while developing the stairs (and, BTW, some of Robert Seymour's illustrations include useful depictions of architectural details, including balusters) :


Caricature of the steam power fad, 1831 :

Richard Trevithick's London Steam Carriage :

John Scott Russell's steam carriage :

Walter Hancock's steam omnibus :

Hancock's steam carriage named Enterprise :

A period illustration of Gurney's steam carriage :

I used this image, a painting by John Frederick Herring, Sr., as material for a study of the suspension system of a nineteenth-century coach :,_Sr.jpg

The following images are all by me.  They show (in reverse order) the development of my final image of the Locomotive Hearse.  I tried to incorporate the logical mechanical parts of such a vehicle (wheels, axle, suspension, chain drive to accommodate the suspension, flywheel gear, connecting rod, piston, steam chest, smokestack, firebox, and coal box) with historical accuracy, but without imitating the above examples.  My drawing of course shows a hearse, not a passenger carriage (indeed, I've found no examples of a steam-powered hearse besides Dickens's mention of it in this story).  I've designed it asymmetrically, with the coffin compartment built above the suspension, on the right-hand side of the vehicle, with the coal box mounted below it.  The firebox is set crosswise on the left-hand side, on the stoker's platform, which hangs off the chassis platform but well below the level of the leafspring mounts.  The steam chest is mounted directly above the firebox, to the left of the coffin compartment, with a narrow gap in between to accommodate the drive chain.  The smokestack is to the left of the steam chest.  If the final image (see above) is obscure, it is supposed to be - the stairway is very dark, so dark that Scrooge cannot be sure if he has seen this contraption or not.

Here is the drawing of the stairs :

And the hearse, on tracing paper :

My draft study for the hearse :

My very rough initial sketch :

My sketch study after John Frederick Herring, Sr.'s, painting (see link above) :  

My sketch after Herring Sr. doesn't do what I intended - I was trying to get figure out the mechanics underneath one of these carriages, and I got some things wrong.  But this is one reason why artists make sketches, to find the problems and figure them out.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Stave 1 : Bob Cratchit in the Tank

Task to come, time permitting : to read the first chapters of The Pickwick Papers, through to the end of the sections completed at the time the illustrator Robert Seymour killed himself on April 20, 1836.  This, because I am curious about the coincidence of Jacob Marley's death occurring seven years before the events in A Christmas Carol and Seymour's committing suicide seven years before Dickens wrote it.  I've modeled Bob Cratchit after a self-portrait by Seymour.  There were problems between Dickens and Seymour over The Pickwick Papers, and Dickens was one of the last people to see Seymour alive.  However, Seymour had some pre-existing mental health problems.  I wonder, did Dickens find himself feeling guilty about Seymour?  See the link below to the Wikipedia article on Seymour for more information.  It's a bit complicated.

Dickens doesn't give much of a physical description for Bob (his most notable feature is his clothing, a white "comforter," or scarf, and "no great-coat"), but Seymour would have been about the right age, based on the number and ages of Bob Cratchit's children.  English law on suicide during that period prevented his wife from inheriting anything from him, leaving Bob Seymour's family probably as badly off as Bob Cratchit's.  Again, please see the Wikipedia article.

And what about Seymour's illustrations for Thomas Hervey's 1835 Book of Christmas - did these have an influence on A Christmas Carol?  I'd be surprised if Dickens hadn't been familiar with it.  So I have another task to come, time permitting : to read all of Hervey's Book of Christmas.

Here are some relevant links :

Wikipedia :

Wikisource :,_Robert_(DNB00)

The Pickwick Papers, from Project Gutenberg :

Thomas K. Hervey's Book of Christmas (1835, reprinted 1888) with illustrations by Seymour, also from Project Gutenberg (found via its mention in the above link to Wikisource) :

And here is my original sketch of Bob Cratchit, showing both the outlines of his comforter and his entire face :

Monday, July 4, 2016

Stave 2 : "Another idol has displaced me."

I wonder about whether or not Dickens intended for specific allusions and references within his work.  I am by no means an expert on Dickens, or on anything else in the Victorian period for that matter, and so my drawings become, in a sense, an exploration of questions that I ask myself about Dickens and this story.  

For instance, in naming Bob Cratchit, he makes the pun between the nickname Bob as being for both a person and a British shilling : "and on the threshold of the door the Spirit smiled, and stopped to bless Bob Cratchit's dwelling with the sprinkling of his torch. Think of that! Bob had but fifteen 'Bob' a-week himself; he pocketed on Saturdays but fifteen copies of his Christian name; and yet the Ghost of Christmas Present blessed his four-roomed house!"

And then, there is the word "cratch," which seems to be a relative of the French word "crèche" (I have never heard it used in American English) - see this article on Wikipedia : - so I wonder, did Dickens expect his audience to make a second connection with the character of Bob Cratchit?  Lots of authors do this kind of thing (Shakespeare, Melville, and Joyce come to my mind), so I wouldn't be surprised if "Cratchit" had a deliberate second meaning.

This image is cut white paper on a black background, showing Scrooge's fiancée, Belle, breaking up with him in Stave 2 :  

From details in the text, I have decided, for my version, to place the offices of Scrooge and Marley at 9 Idol Lane, across the street from the church of St. Dunstan-in-the-East.  I have no idea whether Dickens intended this location, it's pure conjecture on my part.  But it's kind of interesting, or at least I think so.  And I hope the current owner doesn't mind.  Here's why I've chosen that location :

1. In Stave 1, there is this sentence, about the weather : "If the good Saint Dunstan had but nipped the Evil Spirit's nose with a touch of such weather as that, instead of using his familiar weapons, then indeed he would have roared to lusty purpose."  I'll grant the obvious, that this line by itself doesn't indicate anything about the office's location, but Londoners would have known of this church, and being near the Thames riverfront, may well have been colder than further inland.

2. Another line in Stave 1 : "The ancient tower of a church, whose gruff old bell was always peeping slily down at Scrooge out of a Gothic window in the wall, became invisible, and struck the hours and quarters in the clouds, with tremulous vibrations afterwards as if its teeth were chattering in its frozen head up there."  St. Dunstan-in-the-East is gothic, damaged in the Great Fire of 1666, and repaired by Christopher Wren.  Here is the Wikipedia page :  I don't know how many other candidates there would be for the church near Scrooge's office, fitting the description, or, again, if Dickens even cared to be so specific.  The Great Fire certainly destroyed a number of medieval buildings, including churches, but many of the rebuildings (many by Wren) adopted newer architectural styles.

(St. Dunstan-in-the-West is also gothic, but it was built in 1842, a year before A Christmas Carol, and therefore isn't "ancient" as described by the text.)

3. This illustration is to accompany the following text, from Stave 2 :

He was not alone, but sat by the side of a fair young girl in a mourning-dress: in whose eyes there were tears, which sparkled in the light that shone out of the Ghost of Christmas Past.
"It matters little," she said, softly. "To you, very little. Another idol has displaced me; and if it can cheer and comfort you in time to come, as I would have tried to do, I have no just cause to grieve."
"What Idol has displaced you?" he rejoined.
"A golden one."

St. Dunstan-in-the-East sits between St. Dunstan's Hill and Idol Lane.  It may be coincidence, but I noticed that Belle's use of "idol" is in lowercase, but when Scrooge says it, "Idol" has a capital I.  Spending too much time at the office, to the destruction of something far more valuable : his relationship with the love of his life.  

4. And there is, at Number 9, Idol Lane, a building that was there in the period - it is a Grade II listed building, from the 18th or early 19th century.  The information can be found on these (and also probably other) websites : and

Maybe I'm reading too much into all this.  But this kind of delving makes for a fun virtual tour of London.  Well, for me at least.